Everything should still run smoothly. I am not an expert when it comes to ministry but I can simply share what I’ve learned in the past 8 years of being a leader in different aspects of ministry, which I hope can be helpful to you both in ministry and outside of ministry.
Some people will say that a good leader is someone who is respected by others and leads by example. While that is true, what can ultimately determine if a person is considered a good leader is in the time of their absence. I’ll keep this short with an example: let’s say that you are leading a team and you feel you’ve done a great job but one day you have to step out of that leadership position for whatever reason to take some time off and have to leave your team in charge of getting things done, what is going to determine if you’ve been a good leader is if your team is successful at running things as if you were never gone.
In ministry, we focus so much on getting things done for God that we forget to put our focus on the next leader in charge. Plenty of times we have preached that we are not promised tomorrow but we don’t live with that mentality because if we would live with that mentality we would have at least one or multiple people who would shadow us to understand the in’s and out’s of everything we do.
Therefore, I encourage you to observe what you are doing, especially if you’re in some sort of leadership position. As a leader you need to be ready to leave your ministry in the hands of another person. If that day would be tomorrow, do you know who would be the one to take care of things so that the ministry runs smoothly? If nobody comes to mind, then that is something that you will need to work on in order for the Kingdom of God to keep moving. Stop being territorial and stop thinking that you’re the only one who knows how to do it, instead get at least one person to shadow you so that another person is ready and prepared if needed.
Now, if you’re not in any type of leadership position, start asking questions. Look at the needs in ministry and ask how things are done so that you are at least aware of what’s going on. Someone may not be teaching you to be the next leader but that shouldn’t stop you from growing and being prepared if you ever have that opportunity in the future.
A good leader is one who can step out of a position and things don’t fall apart. If things fall apart, you did not do your job in preparing those who’ve been following you.
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