It’s so easy for us to get sidetracked with everything in life. We begin to worry about providing for our families, we worry if we forgot to do something at work or at school, we worry if we have enough time to finish all our errands, we simply begin to worry. I used to worry about a lot in life, but it wasn’t until God shook my life that I was able to understand what it meant to leave it to God. Leaving things to God doesn’t mean you drop everything and do absolutely nothing in life, leaving things to God means that everything that is out of your control is given to God. Keep working hard at what you do, always put your best effort, but the worries in life leave to God. Seek Him, of course, let Him lead you in life, and you’ll see that everything will begin to make sense because of your obedience. We will never know the answers to everything in life, but God is so mighty and powerful that we need not to worry about some of those questions in life. Have faith in God, live...