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Showing posts from 2017

It's Simple to Give Up

The easiest thing that we could do when there's a task in front of us is to give up. Let's say we have to do some daily chores of washing our clothes, cleaning the dishes, cleaning the living room, finish a project, or START on a paper...we can so easily throw our arms up in the air and leave things as they are, we can go back to watching Netflix or playing Call of Duty. That is very simple to do, to give up, I'm speaking to myself. I've had so many opportunities that I have not taken advantage of and I'm realizing this at a very late moment. I was laid off of my job a little over a month ago and have been looking for something new ever since, yet have not found anything. I'm currently also finishing my first semester of graduate school but I missed what God blessed me with, TIME. I wasted a lot of time that I could've used catching up on my school work and getting things in order, and I realize this now. It's a little late but I'm getting on top of...

This is how it feels...

The best way I can describe what my spirit feels is through the song, Worn by Tenth Avenue North, I've been in a similar feeling in the past but right now it just feels overwhelming. Here's a glimpse of the lyrics: "I'm tired I'm worn, my heart is heavy, from the work it takes to keep on breathing." Never did I think I would experience this again and it's not something I missed. I feel literal pain in my chest and a feeling of crying out to God. I know God is still good and He is still faithful. God has done so much in my life that there's no way I could deny that He exists nor can I be angry at Him. The actions of other have pushed me to be here but I'm praying to God for strength to get out of it, I don't want to place the blame on anybody because I know with God I can overcome this. One thing that I do know though, is that this is going to be a painful journey to overcome, yet God is still good and He is still faithful. Keeping my focu...

To Speak or Not to Speak

We don’t even have to turn the channel to the news station to understand what’s going on in our country and around the world. Most of our news we get from social media and many people have voiced their opinion and where they stand on current events, political spectrum, and so on. Normally, in past times I would be one of those individuals writing away on my social media platforms my perspective, my opinion, and my stance on whatever was going on. Most of the time it wasn’t according to norm, my mentality did not match up with many of my peers therefore causing plenty of friends to “unfriend” me. I didn’t do such things intentionally, I simply wanted to voice where I stood in those events/situations and it appeared that some couldn’t stand it, which is completely fine. I don’t need people to agree with me, I don’t need people to like me, but I would expect people to respect my perspective even though we may disagree. Nowadays I think more than two times before posting my opinion simp...