It's easy to say you're a Christian, and it's also easy to get caught up in going through the motions. I'm talking to those who actively serve in ministry, to the volunteers and to the leaders. Are you distracted in serving? I had to ask myself this same question after service on Sunday. Ministry is a blessing but at the very same time it can truly mess us up. I'm not saying to give up on ministry and drop it, but more so to check your heart right now. Are you putting so much time in serving your church that you're leaving God behind? Are you active in church but not active in studying the Bible? I gotta be honest and say that I've slacked off in my studies but God always has His way of grabbing my attention to get back on track. This might be it for you, this might be the Holy Spirit trying to shake you up and remind you that it's not about serving in ministry at church, it's not about being super active with people at church, but it's about you...