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Showing posts from August, 2017

To Speak or Not to Speak

We don’t even have to turn the channel to the news station to understand what’s going on in our country and around the world. Most of our news we get from social media and many people have voiced their opinion and where they stand on current events, political spectrum, and so on. Normally, in past times I would be one of those individuals writing away on my social media platforms my perspective, my opinion, and my stance on whatever was going on. Most of the time it wasn’t according to norm, my mentality did not match up with many of my peers therefore causing plenty of friends to “unfriend” me. I didn’t do such things intentionally, I simply wanted to voice where I stood in those events/situations and it appeared that some couldn’t stand it, which is completely fine. I don’t need people to agree with me, I don’t need people to like me, but I would expect people to respect my perspective even though we may disagree. Nowadays I think more than two times before posting my opinion simp...